
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is dancer-and-Twin-SOng-Budapest-.jpeg


This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Budapest-Beyond-the-form-of-art-.jpg

参加展览的作品来自8个国家25位艺术家。上海市对外文化交流协会科技处处长孙丽萍等一行人、威克国际文化艺术与体育协会主席魏翔先生、布达佩斯艺术协会主席GutiJozsef Soma先生、匈牙利美术学院教授Kosza Janos先生, Szamódy Zsolt Olaf匈牙利摄影家协会前主席,现任常务理事等中外嘉宾出席了此次开幕式。

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is lr-Screen-Shot-2019-05-10-at-1.24.00-PM-copy.png
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is lr-Little-Dancer-小舞蹈家-oil-on-canvas-50x50cm-Niamh-Cunningham-2014-copy.png

本次展览由上海市对外文化交流协会和比利时CCIEU欧洲创意文化平台联合主办。非常感谢CCIEU的Wen Xi的辛勤工作和对我的帮助。

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