Odyssey -The Return

In his essay about Odyssey: The Return, celebrated curator Huang Du, writes

“The exhibition features different reflections and diverse manifestations of Irish and Chinese artists on the process of globalization, in the face of complex, shifting social and cultural issues. Inspired by the famous Irish writer James Joyce’s Ulysses, the theme aims to express and reflect on the culture of both countries in a metaphorical way.”

Artworks by Fion Gunn in the background
Dissocaition writing by Li Xinmo
‘ Age of Exploration # 1’ by Fion Gunn
‘Heaven is not far’ by Qingqing
artworks by Gulistan

The structure of Ulysses with its many stopping points and linguistic complexity is the stimulus for the artists’ work and Joyce’s revolutionary approach to writing underpins this exciting visual arts collaboration. The five participating artists include  Gulistan, Fion Gunn, Li Xinmo, Qingqing and Niamh Cunningham

Ambassador Eoin O Leary shared some surprises about James Joyce’s background at the opening ceremony at Dong Yue Art Museum on April 13th 2019.

Ambassador Eoin O Leary and his wife Anne Delaney take a closer look at the “Wandering Rocks’ portrait series

Dragon boat Captain Heming makes his way to the opening bringing along other teammates

The exhibition honours the Beijing – Dublin twinning programme and the evolving relationship between the two cities. A sincere thank you to the following funding and supporting bodies: Dublin City Council, Culture Ireland, Embassy of Ireland in China, Asian Pacific Fund and Dong Yue Art Museum.

Huang Du at finissage of Odyssey The Return

A personal thanks to Mr Yuan QiuLai for hosting this exhibition at the beautiful ancient daoist venue Dong Yue Art Museum.

Odyssey Media link 1

Odyssey Media link 2

Odyssey Media link 3

A video on ‘Odyssey The Return’ exhibition and related outreach events will be posted later

The next blog will take a closer look at the artworks ‘What the artists Say ‘ and also Outreach and events surrounding this exhibition such as talks in the Bookworm, Beijing Foreign Studies University ect.

Media Link1 China Daily

Media Link 2

Media Link 3

Mediat Link 4