Week 2 Why Trees Whisper – a children’s story


Memory Palace of Trees is an ecological art practice which invites your participating to tell a story (or give some kind of information) about Trees. It is a social enquiry of how to live better with the planet and with people. You are cordially invited to tell me your story of a tree or trees. (email : niamh@niamhcunningham.com) I would love to hear from you .

Week 2 -They will not hush “它们不肯安静,叶子在我身边飞舞” 160x 110 cm
Niamh Cunningham 倪芙瑞莲 2015

Why Trees Whisper – An Estonian Legend
Retold by Anne Pellowski

Why Trees Whisper

Estonian Legend
Retold by Anne Pellowski

In the early days of earth, not long after the trees were created and humans were forced to leave Paradise to work, a man went out to the forest to cut wood. The first tree he came to was a pine tree. But as soon as the man lifted the axe he heard a voice cry out.

“Don’t strike me. Can’t you see the sticky tears that are already coming out of my body? If you hit me it will bring you bad luck.”

The man did not indeed see the sticky sap coming from the several cuts in the tree trunk, so he moved on farther into the forest. He came to a spruce tree and again raised his axe. But the spruce tree protested.

“Don’t cut me down. You will find me of little use for my wood is twisted and knotty.”

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Week 52: Letter to the President.AmcK

Letter to the President AK 50x50cm acrylic on canvas , 倪芙瑞莲Niamh Cunningham 2019

The final week for the 2019 portrait project …..I walked to school with A for many years as a child . She has always been an animal lover and when she was 10 years old she won an audience with President Hillery for an essay competition. The essay highlighted what she would do if she was president of Ireland building many animal shelters etc….. She is also rather fond of humans and is a distinguished clinical psychologist.

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参展艺术家: 奥黛丽·穆林斯Audrey Mullins、丹尼尔·希基Daniel Hickey、飞扬·戈恩Fion Gunn、Stephen Lawlor、麻进Magic Ma、王少帅Wang Shaoshuai 、空点设计Click Click Design,以及瑞莲Niamh Cunningham。

奥黛丽·穆林斯(Audrey Mullins)艺术家自述:

这些作品是抽象的风景,想象中的行星,在其风化的表面上,没有破译的语言是分散的。作品中精致的表面同时表现出复杂和脆弱。这些未完成的叙述是对人类历史的回应。 http://audreymullins.weebly.com/

artworks by Audrey Mullins with Therese Healy and guest
Audrey Mullins : Rotation2 17 cm diam , Mixed media
Audrey Mullins : Possibilities, 27 cm diam mixed media


丹尼尔·希基(Daniel Hickey)艺术家自述:


Daniel Hickey relief prints
Daniel Hickey , Bas A Laoich , releif print , 52x 79 cm
Daniel Hickey , Wake II , relief print 52 x 78cm


飞扬·戈恩(Fion Gunn)艺术家自述:


A vistor views Fion Gunn’s work
Fion Gunn: A Childs view of Babel, 76 x 57 cm mixed media on handmade paper
Fion Gunn Dreams of City Dwellers 76 x 57cm , mixed media , collage on handmade paper


Stephen Lawlor   艺术家自述: 我的角色都来自过去。他们要么生活过已死亡,要么是电影、舞台剧的创作。他们在漆黑空间中漂浮,一种挥之不去的怀旧之感缠绕其上。他们是残余,是流亡,是往昔强者形象的回声。确实有很多主题 .http://www.stephenlawlor.com/

Etchings by Stephen Lawlor
Stephen Lawlor Active Shooter 30x30cm Etching


麻进(Magic Ma) 艺术家自述:


Magic Ma: 3 D calligrapy
Ma Jin artist presentation with small silver 3D sculpture
Ma Jin’s 3D characters


王少帅(Wang Shaoshuai) 艺术家自述:


Wang ShaoShuai installation (detail)


空点设计(Click Click Design)

在《极流》系列作品中借助了图灵和别洛乌索夫发现的反应扩散(reaction-diffusion )原理,利用数学方程模拟两种具有特定特征的事物之间相互作用,以及产生变化无常的图案的过程。我们让计算机自动生成了类似于湍流的形态,并将自然界中山川海浪的影像和周围实时变化的环境加入其反应过程,试图探索一种存在于混沌和秩序临界处的奇观。它也是一张流动中的泼墨山水画。

Click Click Design installation 1
Click Click Design Polar Flow 2


瑞莲(Niamh Cunningham ) 艺术家自述:


Portraits by Niamh Cunningham 倪芙瑞莲的肖像画
Water City – Huiyuan with portraits in background by Niamh Cunningham



China -Ireland Exhibition , Portraits showing in Shanghai next weekend

You are cordially invited …. on November 29th at Museu&m, Bangsongyuan Road (entrance on Huayuangang road) the exhibition ‘China-Ireland’ marks 40 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

China Ireland exhibition at MUSEu&m, Shanghai , opening Nov 29th

Irish and Chinese artists include Audrey Mullins , Daniel Hickey , Fion Gunn, Stephen Lawlor , Niamh Cunningham , Ma Jin , Click Design and Wang Shaoshuai. The exhibition is curated by LuLu and produced by Wen Xu of Creative Culture Eu .

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