TEDxBeixinqiao 演讲

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The TEDx Beixinqiao Experience



Last Saturday April 20th at TEDx Beixinqiao was a day to remember. The venue was at the stunning Gravity Museum, Fengtai, Beijing.

When I stood on that stage, just for a split second I wished I had done debating back at school . Once I began speaking the most startling revelation was seeing the encouraging nods and smiles particularly from women in the audience.

Nothing else would have pulled me onto that stage other than to share the idea behind the ‘ Memory Palace of Tree Stories‘ . Our Cultures have a huge roles to play in addressing our ecological emergency. The talk was titled ‘Rekindling our Bond With Nature’  exploring  the importance of rebuilding our bond with the living world as we confront our ecological crises and build solutions together for our communities, our economies and our cultures while also supporting each other during these ecologically challenging times. It was of course  about fostering community and inspiring fresh perspectives on environmental challenges through the sharing of tree stories .

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聚会放映 2024年1月28日星期天举办了

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2024128日星期天举办了一场树的故事讲述者的特别聚会,有近六十人参加。非常感谢修女玛丽·卡莫迪(Mary Carmody)和爱尔兰卡洛社区花园“生命花园”(An Gairdin Beo)提供社区大厅作为场地,感谢大家一直以来的支持。放映的故事内容十分广泛,从极其罕见的瓦勒迈松到欢快的云南树歌,还有一只非常有趣的爬树大猩猩

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The Gathering- Tree Story Tellers meet up in my home town of Carlow, Ireland


The Gathering for treestory tellers on Sunday 28th Jan.2024 was very special with almost 60 people in attendance.  A huge thank you to Sister Mary Carmody and all at Carlow’s Community Garden ‘An Gairdin Beo’ (Ireland) for the use of the communuty hall and their continued support. The screenings included a wide range of stories ranging from the very rare Wollemi Pine to a joyful  tree song from Yunnan to a very funny tree climbing gorilla. After the screenings there was no need to facilitate tree story speed dating, everyone was curious and jumped straight into meeting and chatting with other treestory tellers. They had found their tribe. After the break we had a few words introducing The Earth Charter by Dr Cathy Fitzgearld. Also there was videographer Patrick Bramley who shared the experience of trying to entice people to tell a tree story at different events at Carlow’s Garden Festival Summer 2023 . The open discussion included ideas and information from tree planters foresters, farmers  and gardeners.

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  1. 滴答掌上钟 100 x 120cm 布面丙烯,Niamh Cunningham倪芙瑞莲 2023

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Forest Breath Paintings made at Xishuangbanna artist residency

1. Tik Tok Palm Clock 100 x 120cm acrylic on canvas , Niamh Cunningham 倪芙瑞莲 2023


The Forest Breath Series of paintings began two years ago (2021) at this same residency ‘The Rhythm of Life’ in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan. I decided to continue this focus on tropical trees and skylines.

When I think about the air that I breathe I think about the surface of a leaf and gas exchange. The leaf enhales carbon and together with light and water after photosynthesis exhales oxygen. David George Haskell even points out that pine needles have lip shaped cells as he describes this process in his book ‘The Songs of Trees’.

So if plants are temporary crystalised carbon, then what is air?

……….Air is 400 millions years of Forest Breath.


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The Rhythm of Life- Artist Residency Yunnan Sept 2023

Buttress tree at Xishuangbanna  Tropical Botanical Gardens 


Its not often you find yourself standing on the edge of the world, a place so remote with exotic ecologies, diverse ethnicities, different languages and pace of life in a village called Menglun, which sits next door to the largest protected rainforest in China.

Returning to Xishuangbanna (Yunnan) to spend two weeks at the Octagon Lodge was a true joy. The combination of intense painting and getting to know the other artists and also the environmentalists in the education centre in Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Gardens XTBG for me was a perfect union of strengths and energies.

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