New Infusions of Life into Nature written by Claire Cuccio

Scholar, author and curator Claire Cuccio  gives her unique insight for the upcoming exhibition “Infinite Entities” at Dong Yue Art Museum



Guilin Path 《桂林田间路》Niamh Cunningham 70x70cm

Niamh Cunningham’s first sojourn from the green and blue horizons of her native Ireland took her to the striking seasonal shifts of bright cityscapes and deep-colored forests of Prague and the desert yellows and aquatic blues of Dubai. She is now long settled in the lands of China. From her home in Beijing’s metropolis to the interior of Wuling to Guilin, Cunningham has encountered China’s own palette of colours as well as its distinct vistas and close-ups in which to contemplate the glories of the natural world.

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Interrogating Histories – Intimate Transgressions in Taipei



This scene was raised by more than a few visitors to the exhibition….. the change of guards at the Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall marching in ceremonial uniform past an exhibition dealing with sexual violence during times of war .



In the background is Song Xin’s “Adam and Eve Updated” a collage of historical images relating to the issues surrounding comfort women.


The exhibition in Taipei was the fourth rendition (previously shown in New York, Beijing and Hangzhou) with the project evolving and growing with each destination.


The Taipei local curator Leon Tsai introduced local artists and collaborated with international curator Fion Gunn for the project.

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The Painted Thread

The Painted Thread – Curated by Fion Gunn and Liu Pengsheng.


The Painted Thread exhibition by three artists Fion Gunn, Gulistan and Niamh Cunningham opened on September 25th 2016 at Joy Pavillion, 9 Jinhui rd CBD, Beijing.


The exhibition was installed to give the viewer unexpected movement and direction throughout the spaces whilst exploring cultural threads of memory and travel. There were seating arrangements for the viewer to sit and relax with different viewpoints around the exhibition area.

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